You spend hours writing, researching, editing, and creating the best content possible for your website. Most of the time, your goal is to accept every bit many people as possible view your content. Nevertheless, sometimes y'all might need to set up the WordPress require login for certain pages option, so you can hide content and only make it available to users who are logged in. And in some cases, you might even want to make your unabridged WordPress site individual.

Ane of the most common reasons for this is because you've created a membership website and yous desire to restrict content for paying subscribers. However, in that location are fifty-fifty more reasons, every bit you'll shortly learn.

In this post, you lot'll learn how to fix up WordPress in club for it to crave login to view a certain page. You'll too acquire about the benefits of using a WordPress login restriction plugin, what to look for in such a plugin, and how to set the Contour Builder Pro plugin to require login on your own website.

Common Use Cases For Using WordPress Require Login for Certain Pages

There are multiple reasons y'all'd want to require users to log in to view a WordPress page. Here are some of the most mutual apply cases:

screenshot of a membership website

With a Membership Website

If you're running a membership site, yous'll want to restrict individual pages every bit "members only" and require a login to view them.

With membership sites, you'll commonly have multiple tiers of memberships, so you'll want to restrict particular pages or sections of your WordPress site that correspond to their respective plans.

This is likewise common with subscriber-only eCommerce stores, as yous can collect subscriber information before they view your product catalog. Plus, information technology makes your store seem highly exclusive.

With a Individual Weblog

Some things are meant to exist private. Similar a side projection that'southward non fix for the world, an internal company blog for employees, or it could be something as a family web log for your cherished memories.

By requiring login to view your blog, or even private pages, you can create a sense of online privacy not commonly institute today.

For Password Protected Paid Content/Online Courses

When you're creating online courses or pay-per-view content, yous need a manner to password protect that content from non-users.

A WordPress login plugin will require users to log in and create an business relationship or become a paid member to view your form or content.

With a Client-Merely Portal

If yous're a freelancer or run an bureau, you might have sure client-simply pages, such as pricing or portfolio pages.

With a WordPress login page plugin, you can requite your clients a unique login or password to view pages only their eyes need to see.

Features to Look for in a WordPress Login Page Plugin

There's a variety of different WordPress login folio plugins you can use for your site. Here are some of the essential features you'll want in a quality WordPress login page plugin:

Intuitive and Elegant User Registration/Login Pages

Look for a plugin that lets you customize your registration forms, not only in appearance but as well in regard to form fields. Your registration and custom login pages should look much improve than the traditional "wp-login" pages standard with WordPress.

Yous also need a plugin that lets y'all customize your login forms with the necessary fields. As a bonus, you'll want a plugin that supports conditional logic, and then new fields appear as your user fills out the course.

Ability to Gear up Custom User Roles

Since y'all're here to require users to log in to view individual pages, you'll desire a plugin that lets you set custom user roles.

Users will be able to access sure pages and posts based on their user role, or if they're logged in or logged out.

Integration with WooCommerce

WooCommerce integration can assist you lot create improve user profiles for your store or even restrict sure products for dissimilar users.

You can fifty-fifty require users to log in to view the products y'all have for sale.

What is Contour Architect Pro?

WordPress has built-in settings that let you lot restrict access based on user roles. This is more of an admin feature rather than functionality you want to use if you're edifice a membership site, or desire to create convenient individual pages.

Profile Builder Pro is an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-employ plugin that lets y'all enhance your WordPress login and registration process. If you're a WooCommerce shop possessor, you can use this plugin to create a "individual" eCommerce store that users must register to admission.

With this plugin, you can create custom user registration forms to assemble all necessary data most your users. Yous can also customize the registration and login pages, and provide your users with front-stop profile editing pages that contain plenty of customization options.

Information technology'southward likewise easy to use. You won't have to brand whatever changes to the "wp-login.php" file, "functions.php" file, or any other PHP files, nor brand CCS changes to adjust the appearance.

Here are some additional features of the Profile Builder Pro plugin:

  • Shortcodes for front-end login, registration, password reset, and edit profile;
  • Electronic mail confirmation for users once they register (to help fight spam);
  • WordPress admin approval for new users, so you tin enforce login control;
  • Enforce the password force of new users to decrease the chances of a brute force login;
  • Customize profile registration fields to obtain all relevant user information;
  • Create dynamic front end-stop registration forms congenital on conditional logic;
  • Content brake based on user roles and logged in/logged out condition;
  • And much more.

Profile Builder Pro

Create beautiful forepart-cease registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in i user management plugin.

Get the plugin

Or download Complimentary version

Simply, the main reason yous're here is to learn how to restrict individual pages on your WordPress site, and crave a WordPress login to view that page (or your entire website). So permit'southward get into information technology!

How to Set up Up the Profile Builder Pro Plugin

Below you'll learn how to set up the plugin, and then yous can restrict access to certain pages for logged-in users, or even restrict access to your entire site.

With this plugin setup you'll be able to require users to log in to view WordPress pages in two main means:

  1. Setup content restriction to strength users to log in to view specific pages;
  2. Password protect an unabridged website and require a login.

1. Install the Profile Builder Pro Plugin

One time y'all've purchased the plugin, you'll need to upload it to your WordPress site.

In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins → Add New. Then upload the Nothing file containing the plugin.

How to upload profile builder pro plugin

Once it's finished uploading, click Activate and the plugin will exist live on your site.

2. Fix User Roles

You can create different user roles and manage what they have access to on your site. This is important to set upwardly if you're creating a membership site with multiple levels.

To set user roles, navigate to Settings → General Settings, and and then plow the "Roles Editor" Activated section to "Yep".

How to turn on roles editor

If yous navigate to Users → Roles Editor, yous tin add and change user roles across your website.

Roles editor menu

Every bit an example, we're going to add a new role called Subscriber and add a new capability that allows this user to read private posts.

How to add a new user role

In the Select capabilities section, you tin can choose whatever boosted capabilities you lot'd similar that role to have; in this case, information technology'southward "read_private_posts". You can add as many user roles every bit you'd like and give them different capabilities across your site.

iii. Add Content Brake

To ready content restriction, navigate to Profile Architect → Settings, then click on the Content Brake tab.

Then gear up Enable Content Restriction to "Yes".

How to enable content restriction

This allows yous to restrict content across your site. When users visit a folio and aren't logged in, you tin can brandish a message or redirect them to a login or registration folio.

four. Content Restrict Individual WordPress Pages

Now, navigate to a page you want to restrict for specific users, in the editor mode. This is not bad for blogs or other websites that want a portion of the site to remain private.

Beneath the content area, you lot'll find a meta box labeled Brandish Options. Hither yous tin set the blazon of restriction, whether you want that to be a bulletin or a redirect, and you tin choose which logged-in users you want the page to display for.

How to make WordPress require login for certain pages

Users with the correct permissions will run across the folio normally, while users who aren't logged in won't be able to view the content.

Restricted access message

Yous can customize this message equally much as you'd like, adding images, or a link to your user registration page. If you have content you want to marker every bit subscriber-but, then activate this setting.

5. Set Individual Website Functionality

To brand your entire website individual navigate to Profile Builder → Settings → Individual Website.

In the Enable Private Website section, modify the driblet-down to "Yes".

How to enable private website

You tin also ready individual pages that are allowed, such as your registration page. Pages that you add to the Allowed Pages department will be visible to users that aren't logged in.

You can cull where you lot want this to redirect to, whether that's the standard wp-login folio, Registration folio, or elsewhere.

If you're creating a members-simply website for your clients or a separate website to host your paid courses and content, you lot'll want to use this to make your unabridged site private.

Set Up WordPress Require Login for Certain Pages Today With Profile Builder Pro

With Profile Builder Pro, yous can require login to view certain WordPress pages or even your entire website. You can hibernate membership content, create individual content portals for VIPs, make users log in to view support documentation, or fifty-fifty create a private WooCommerce store.

To get started, bank check out all the features of Contour Architect Pro and get-go creating elegant user login and registration pages today.

Profile Architect Pro

Create beautiful front-end registration and contour forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user direction plugin.

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