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Wacom Software Download Key Not Valid

Delight note: This FAQ section is designed for arrangement integrators or system administrators that are deploying Wacom tablets across their enterprise.

Corporate installation of the DisplayLink graphics driver


I want to install the DisplayLink graphics commuter in a corporate surroundings where DTU devices are already connected to the PCs


Please see the DisplayLink corporate installation guide

Device is not connected (Windows 7)


Afterwards installing the Wacom tablet driver the pen tablet will not work properly and on trying to admission the control console (Wacom Tablet Properties) the following mistake appears:

                                  Device not connected                              


On some versions of Windows, specially Windows 7, this can happen if Windows is not fully updated.
The solution is to run Windows Update until you are sure that nothing is missing.

Alternatively you can use these 3 updates individually:

KMDF - https://support.microsoft.com/en-usa/help/2685811/kernel-style-commuter-framework-version-1-11-update-for-windows-vista-win

UMDF - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/aid/2685813/user-style-driver-framework-version-1-11-update-for-windows-vista-windo

SHA-2 - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security-updates/securityadvisories/2015/3033929

DTH 1152 Bear upon Screen not working with XenApp

The pen on the 1152 only works with XenApp if Windows Ink is disabled in the Wacom Tablet control panel because of a known issue betwixt Citrix and Microsoft.
Due to the nature of XenApp and the way that it works with shared resources, Windows Ink is unable to work on a XenApp host.
By default the Wacom pen attempts to use Windows Ink, which is why it then works in XenApp when the use of Ink is disabled.
For touch the 1152 always uses Windows Ink for one and 2 finger inputs.
This issue has been reported to Citrix by multiple sources and we know that they are working with Microsoft to resolve it in a future update to XenApp.
At the fourth dimension of writing (Nov 2018) there is no work-around for this issue - it depends upon Citrix and Microsoft betwixt them to produce a solution in a after release of XenApp and/or Windows.

DTH-1152 Touch works on primary monitor instead of the extended screen

Windows touch input is mapped by the operating system. The Wacom driver attempts to override this but may not always be successful in certain environments.
Touch on mapping is easily set by opening the Tablet PC Settings, selecting the Display tab, clicking the <Setup> button to configure pen and bear upon displays, and selecting Touch to calibrate.
This Touch scale tool is hidden on Windows 10 and there is no mode to admission it through the Windows 10 carte du jour system - information technology tin only be accessed through the Run dialog.
The post-obit commands volition open the Tablet PC Settings window:

                                  1.                  %windir%\explorer.exe trounce:::{lxxxF3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E}                  2.                  tabletpc.cpl @1                  3.                  multidigimon -touch                              

Windows touch display mapping is stored in the Windows registry every bit the device path and the video path. These paths are unique to each machine and device, so it cannot be shared between machines.
Then, this mapping will demand to be performed individually on each motorcar, merely the settings volition stay for that device as it is currently continued to the estimator.
Information technology is possible to write a script to create these registry keys without calibration, but this would need to exist created by the local IT services.
Relevant data for these registry keys and the Tablet PC Settings shortcut can be found in the screenshot beneath.


DTU 1141 not recognised on Mac Os 10.13.6 Loftier Sierra

DisplayLink has a FAQ for this issue.
Please see the necessary steps to get a DisplayLink capable display working on 10.xiii.half dozen at https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/1854724.

DTU-1141 not recognised on Mac OS Catalina 10.15

Please see the following FAQ for proper driver functionality on Mac Os x.fifteen Catalina:

https://world wide web.wacom.com/en-usa/support?guideTitle=Is-there-a-driver-for-Mac-OS-10.15-Catalina%3F&guideId=015-916

DTU-1031X does not work on Mac Bone 11

The DTU-1031X is non supported on Mac Bone 11 - although the pen works the display will non.

Please notation all the same that the later model DTU-1031AX is supported and works fine.

DTU/DTH/DTK Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Ideally the DTU should be continued directly to a USB port on the PC using both cables. If it is necessary to utilize a USB hub it should be an A/C powered 1.

  2. For the DTU 1141 it is advisory to connect the second USB plug to make sure the unit of measurement is receiving enough power.

  3. Ensure the latest release of the Wacom tablet driver is installed from the Wacom Drivers support page

  4. Ensure the latest release of the relevant video commuter for the item DTU model is installed every bit beneath.

DTU 1031/1141

For Windows 10 Anniversary Update version 1607 no graphics driver is needed.
For all other versions the DisplayLink driver for these devices is available here: DisplayLink driver download

The DisplayLink driver appears in Programs and Features equally "DisplayLink Core Software". Older releases also show a second entry for "DisplayLink Graphics"

DTU 1031X

Delight download the UV-A8301 USB ii.0 Display Adapter. (Please notation that the MAC driver supplied in the download file is non uniform with the 1031X). Normally the MCT driver will update automatically to the latest version from the Cyberspace if your PC is connected to information technology. The 1031X MCT driver will appear in "Programs and Features" on your PC every bit "Trigger External Graphics Family unit...." - come across the screenshot at the bottom of this folio

  1. Reboot the PC afterward installing any of the above drivers

  2. Check that the DTU appears as a "Wacom Tablet" under Human Interface Devices in Device Manager. In nearly versions of Windows it should too appear as a USB Display Adapter as below

DTU device

On Windows ten Anniversary Update version 1607 it volition appear under Display Adapters and likewise under Human Interface Devices as shown below.

Device manager

  1. Check that the DTU is recognised by Windows as a monitor in the Windows Screen Resolution dialog

  2. Once the relevant drivers are installed please cheque that the "Wacom Professional Service" service is running in Windows Services - if not then uninstall and reinstall the driver and check again.

  3. For the DisplayLink commuter there should likewise be a Windows Service called "DisplayLinkManager" and this should too be running. If not start it manually. If information technology doesn't outset automatically at the next reboot endeavor uninstalling and re-installing the DisplayLink driver.

  4. For the DTU-1031X the Wacom Professional Service should be running simply there is no graphics driver service as such. You should even so find a new purple icon in your system tray. Please see the "Programs and Features" screenshot below for an analogy of what the icon looks like.

  5. From the Wacom Desktop Center, under "Backup Settings" select "Reset settings" under "Local backup".

  6. Calibrate the pen using the Wacom Tablet Control Console which should appear in your Start menu as "Wacom Tablet Properties" (this is non normally required only if your pen is out of line that it may help).

  7. After completing the higher up tasks, if the signature capture window fails to appear or appears merely does not ink so go along equally follows:

    • Uninstall and reinstall the tablet driver
    • If this fails then run the capture analyser examination tool. If you can't discover this in your list of programs then the executable is chosen "FlCaptureAnalyser.exe" and can be found in either:
                                  C:\                    Programme                                    Files (x86)\Mutual                  Files\WacomGSS  or   C:\                    Plan                                    Files\Common                  Files\WacomGSS                              

If you haven't installed the SDK (perhaps considering you have sign pro PDF instead) please download the analyser from the Capture Analyser download link on our Exam signature capture page.
Later on starting the capture analyser please select the "Test Capture" option nether the Service bill of fare and and so select "wintab".
Relieve the output in a text file and send information technology to usa equally an attachment on a support ticket. Support tickets can be created by clicking the "Initial Support Request" button on our Support Page.
We will endeavour to respond inside one business twenty-four hour period.
Please annotation that y'all will need to register on the Developer Relations site get-go via the "Login" link if you haven't already done then.

  1. If none of the above actions resolves the problem and then it will probably be necessary to enable driver logging and transport the log files via a support ticket.

"Programs and Features" showing the Trigger Family video driver and Wacom tablet driver:

Trigger video

Enable commuter logging

Driver version half-dozen.3.36 and afterward

  • Open the Wacom Desktop Middle and select Support on the left
  • Click on "Driver logging"
  • Press the "Articulate log files" button to remove the sometime logfiles from your logs binder
  • Click the "Logging" on/off switch - this enables logging and restarts the tablet driver
  • When the commuter has finished starting upward, y'all should see new logfiles in the logs folder (the default is C:\wacom\logs)
  • Use the tablet until a problem occurs
  • When the trouble happens, printing the "Package log files"" button to create a zip file, WacomLogs.waczip, on your desktop
  • Ship the zip file to the Wacom Support system by attaching it to your Support Ticket

The commuter logs are created in C:\Wacom\Logs and logs will continue to generate at that place until logging is disabled.
The logs only capture the Wacom driver's trace statements, the username of the current user session, the OS version of the machine in use, and the application name of the front-nigh application as that changes.

Driver version half dozen.3.28-3 and later

  • Open the Wacom Tablet Preference Utility - this at present has some controls to manage log files
  • Printing the "Clear Logs" push button to remove the one-time logfiles from your logs folder
  • Check the checkbox: "Diagnostic Logging On" - this enables logging and restarts the tablet driver
  • When the driver has finished starting up, you should see new logfiles in the logs folder (the default is C:\wacom\logs)
  • Use the tablet until a problem occurs
  • When the problem happens, printing the "Package Logs" button to create a zip file, WacomLogs.waczip, on your desktop
  • Send the zip file to the Wacom Back up system by attaching it to your Back up Ticket

The driver logs are created in C:\Wacom\Logs and logs will proceed to generate at that place until logging is disabled.
The logs but capture the Wacom commuter'due south trace statements, the username of the current user session, the Bone version of the automobile in use, and the application name of the front end-most awarding every bit that changes.

Commuter versions up to vi.3.27

Download the zilch file debuggingProRegistryScripts.zip. This contains ii reg files; one to enable logging and one to disable logging.
To use these, you lot accept to manually create a folder for the logs.
The scripts use C:\wacom\logs past default, but yous can edit the scripts to use whatsoever folder with permissions.

  1. Create the logs folder (see 1 in a higher place)
  2. Stop the driver service
  3. Execute the debuggingprofull.reg script to enable logging
  4. Kickoff the driver service
  5. Run until the problem occurs
  6. Create a minidump from the task manager as follows:
    1. Open Task Managing director
    2. Select the Details tab
    3. Correct-click on Wacom_Tablet.exe
    4. Select "Create Dump File"
    5. The pop-up will indicate where the minidump file was written
  7. Execute the debuggingprofullu.reg script to disable logging
  8. End the commuter service
  9. Zip upwards the logs binder and the minidump
  10. Add together the zip file every bit an attachment to a Support Ticket.

Crash dumps

If yous want to generate a crash dump from Cyberspace Explorer delight see these Microsoft instructions

Alternatively Procdump can be used to capture all crash dumps, including the full dump.

For instance, use

                                  Procdump -ma -i                  c:\dumps                              

in the Windows command line to set procdump as the concluding chance debugger. Removal is equally unproblematic every bit deleting the procdump executable when finished.

Installer Command Line Parameters

Each Parameter listed in the table below can be passed in the command line to modify the driver installation process.

Therefore, if WacomTablet_6.3.45-1.exe is the downloaded installer file, then WacomTablet_6.iii.36-1.exe /opt nowdc would install the driver without Wacom Desktop Center.

Office (Release) Parameter Description
Uninstall /u The uninstall argument is useful for quickly cleaning upward installations that did non succeed or were partially successful.
Silent Install /due south The silent install option is usually used past companies or organisations for mass deployment without disrupting users. It should install the driver without any user input and no messages should occur during the install that are visible by the user. Silent installs will skip the .NET download and installation every bit that function is non silent.
STU Mode Install /custom STU_MODE The "STU style" install option is typically used in signature environments as it prevents the tablet from functioning unremarkably. The pen cannot exist used for navigation in STU mode, instead it can merely be used when a signature application assigns a signature window to the tablet. One time the signature is consummate and submitted the pen should go inactive again.
No WDC Install (6.3.19) /opt nowdc The "No WDC" install option allows users to skip the installation of the WDC (Wacom Desktop Center) during the install process. This is helpful for large deployments of devices that don't use the WDC, taking upwards less infinite after the install and removing whatever requirements the machine may need for .Net iv.0/four.5. at to the lowest degree on the role of Wacom.
No OSD Install /opt noosd The no OSD install option allows users to skip the installation of the Wacom Display Settings software during the install procedure. This is helpful for large deployments of devices that don't use the Wacom Display Settings software, taking up less space later on the install. This does not prevent the FTDI driver from installing as that is withal needed for certain firmware updates.
No User Help Install (half dozen.three.16) /opt nohelp The "No User Aid" install option allows users to skip the installation of the local User Assist content during the install process. Online User Help content will still be accessible so long as a spider web connexion is present.
No Internet Checks Install (6.3.29) /opt noinet The "No Internet" install choice allows users to skip the checks for, downloads of, and installation of any driver/WDC prerequisites during the install process.
Enable Driver Logging (vi.3.31) /opt DebugDrv The Enable Driver Logging argument is useful for enabling full driver logging on install.
Enable Wintab and Commuter Logging (half-dozen.3.31) /opt DebugDll The Enable Wintab logging statement is useful for enabling full Wintab and driver logging on install.
No Automatic Custom Applications /opt noappx The No Automatic Custom Applications option skips the installation of any .wacomas files to prevent Wacom's custom application settings from populating automatically.
Remove Existing User Preferences on Install /opt deleteallprefs The Remove Existing User Preferences on Install pick removes whatever existing user preferences to provide users with a new driver country when their install is complete.
Auto Driver Restart /opt AutoDriverRestart Enables the auto driver restart feature that will automatically restart the driver if 1 of the Driver's processes crash. This is intended only for users that don't utilise Wintab apps as this will disrupt their Wintab connectedness.
No non-WDC Notifications /opt noupdates The noupdates parameter will prevent the installation of the Wacom Update Utility that provides system notifications for Wacom driver, firmware, and BIOS updates.
Suppress Secure Commuter Session /opt suppresssecuredriver This parameter prevents the secure driver session from starting at the Windows login screen.

Silent installation or uninstallation of tablet and video drivers

Equally of release six.three.21-iii the Wacom driver tin can be installed silently using the command shown below from a prompt with administrator privileges:

                                  wacomtablet_6.3                  .21                  -3.exe /s                              

To uninstall silently just add /u to the command in a higher place.

Alternatively (and for older releases) you tin proceed equally beneath:

  • Rename the downloaded .exe extension to .nada, e.thou. "WacomTablet_6.3.21-3.exe" becomes "WacomTablet_6.3.21-iii.zip"
  • Extract all the files and folders from the zip file
  • Run "setup.exe /silent (/uninstall)"

To install/uninstall the DisplayLink video commuter silently (e.yard. via SCCM or a batch script) you will need to use the DisplayLink corporate installer guide:

DisplayLink Installation Guide

The silent installation switch for the MCT driver (for the 1031X) is "/s" - see also the MCT silent install command listing:

                Install Command: /due south or -s : Silent mode /f1 or -f1: Specify culling response file proper name and path /f2 or -f2: Specify alternative log file name and path Silent Installation: ================================= Run "setup.exe /s /f2<path\LogFile>" For example, setup.exe /s /f2c:\ AspireLinkInst.log Silent Uninstallation: ================================= Run "setup.exe Uninstall /s /f1<path\uninstall.iss> /f2<path\LogFile>" For example, setup.exe Uninstall /s /f1.\uninstall.iss /f2c:\ AspireLinkUninst.log                              

Support for problems with the DisplayLink driver

DisplayLink exercise not provide support directly to terminate users. Some aid is available from their DisplayLink Support Page.

A number of common problems are covered in the knowledge base. The forum contains a wide range of issues reported by DisplayLink users.

They also take a back up tool which can be used to generate a log file which can and then be forwarded to DisplayLink for their investigation or sent to us.
Delight see How can I report Windows issues to DisplayLink?

Alternatively please raise a ticket on our system by clicking the "Initial Support Request" button on our Wacom Support Page We will effort to respond within one business organization 24-hour interval.
Please note that you will need to register on the Developer Relations site first via the "Login" link if you haven't already done so.

Tablet installation


Wacom Tablet Driver

In terms of system specification there are no recommended RAM requirements for installing the Wacom tablet driver.
Our Pen Tablets utilize and so few resource that we consider any calculator that tin operate a mouse and keyboard should be compatible with our tablets and drivers.

DisplayLink Graphics Driver

DisplayLink provide information most system compatibility with their graphics driver, which is required for some of our tablets (for more details see the overview below):

MCT (Trigger Family) Driver

The recommended minimum hardware requirements for the MCT driver (required for the DTU-1031X) are as follows:

  • Available USB 2.0 port
  • ane~ii Displays (office application)
  • CPU: Intel/AMD Unmarried Core 1.5GHz or higher processor
  • RAM: 1GB retentiveness or college
  • It is not recommended to play DVD (720p) via USB port because the USB2.0 bandwidth is not adequate and the performance of playing the DVD may be poor
  • Windows XP/Vista/7/viii/eight.1/10 (32-bit / 64-fleck)
  • College processor recommended for multi-displays and optimal performance


Our most commonly used tablets for business purposes are the 1031X, 1031, 1141 and 1152 (in ascending order of resolution).

For the 1031X, 1031 and 1141 two drivers are normally required:

  • Wacom tablet commuter (to control features such as the pen and buttons)
  • Graphics driver to handle the USB video

For DTH and DTK models no graphics driver is required because the graphics signal is carried separately via an HDMI cable, not via USB.
The tablet driver is the aforementioned for all pen tablets simply the 1031X requires a unlike video commuter from the 1031 and 1141.

Please notation that these two video drivers are mutually incompatible and cannot normally exist installed together (it may be possible on the very latest version of Windows x but is not recommended).
This means that yous cannot apply the 1031 or 1141 at the aforementioned time as a 1031X on the same PC.

The installation of the DisplayLink graphics commuter is normally handled past the Windows platform when a compatible DisplayLink display is connected.
Windows 10 has included bones DisplayLink support since the Anniversary update.
On Windows 7, Windows Update will fetch the appropriate driver for you and install information technology, but the installation is non silent.


Normally drivers are provided on a CD accompanying your Wacom device. If yous do not accept a CD you tin can go on as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Wacom Drivers support folio
  2. Select the advisable driver for your operating organisation and download it
  3. Run the installer file - please note that the PC volition need to be rebooted before continuing to consummate this procedure
  4. If using the 1031 or 1141 download the DisplayLink driver from http://world wide web.displaylink.com/downloads/windows
  5. For the DTU 1031X download the UV-A8301 USB 2.0 Brandish Adapter published on MCT's Spider web site. (Please note that the MAC commuter included in the download file is not compatible with the 1031X).
  6. Please annotation that the MCT commuter will update automatically to the latest version from the Internet if your PC is connected to it.
  7. Check that the installation was successful:
    • For the DisplayLink commuter you should meet an item called "DisplayLink Core Software" in "Programs and Features". On sometime releases you will also encounter "DisplayLink Graphics"
    • The 1031X driver will appear in "Programs and Features" on your PC equally "Trigger External Graphics Family...." - run across the screenshot at the bottom of this page.

One time the relevant drivers are installed please check that the "Wacom Professional Service" service is running in Windows Services - if not please start information technology manually.
For the DisplayLink driver there should too be a service chosen "DisplayLinkManager" and this should also be running.

For the DTU-1031X there is no service as such but you should find a new purple icon in your system tray.
Please see the "Programs and Features" screenshot below for an illustration of what the icon looks like.

Earlier trying to capture a signature please check the following:

  • The pen tablet in question is configured to operate as an extended desktop
  • The tablet is displaying the Windows background
  • The pen is calibrated - the calibration dialogue should announced automatically the offset time you impact the pen on the tablet - if information technology does not please run information technology from the Wacom Command Panel


Later on completing the to a higher place tasks, if the signature capture window fails to appear or appears merely does not ink then proceed as follows:

  • Uninstall and reinstall the tablet driver
  • If this fails so run the capture analyser test tool - this is called "FlCaptureAnalyser.exe" and can be found in either:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\WacomGSS
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\WacomGSS (if you have run the 64-bit installer for the Signature SDK)
    If you lot oasis't installed the SDK (perhaps because you lot accept sign pro PDF instead) please download CaptureAnalyser from the Test signature capture page.

Later on starting the capture analyser please select the "Test Capture" pick under the Service carte then select "wintab" and attach the output as a text file to a Back up Ticket.

If you have any difficulty with post-obit the above procedure please enhance a Support Ticket.

"Programs and Features" showing the Trigger Family unit video driver and Wacom tablet commuter:

mct driver

Test the correct operation of a DTU

ane. Check Device Manager to make sure that all HID displays are displayed without any incident (i.e. a yellow exclamation marker).

2. Check that the Wacom driver is operating correctly using one of the following methods:

  • Open up Wacom Desktop Center
  • Get to "Back up", the button is on the left side pane
  • Select "Driver check"
  • Click "Start"
  • If the next dialog says the cheque was successful, that is an indicator that the driver is not experiencing any problems

Another method is:

  • Open the Wacom Tablet Properties
  • Select the DTU device in the "Device" row at the top
  • Select the "About" push button
  • Select "Diagnose..." to see real fourth dimension stylus input
  • If you hold the CTRL button while selecting "Diagnose" you lot will get what nosotros depict as "Raw" data - i.e. information technology is essentially unprocessed

Wacom tablet driver 6.3.30 requires .Net framework 4.five

.Internet iv.5 is simply required for the Wacom Desktop Heart, which is included in the 6.3.30 driver parcel.
The Wacom Desktop Center software does not support the DTU-1141 or 1141B, so it is non necessary to install it for use with that device.
If the customer uses the "/opt nowdc" parameter during install they tin exclude this software and .NET 4.v will not endeavor to install.


                                  C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\WacomTablet_6.3.thirty-vi.exe /opt nowdc                              

What graphics commuter is required for my DTU?

In add-on to the Wacom tablet driver the DTU 1031, 1141 and 1141B require the installation of the DisplayLink graphics driver

The 1031X and 1031AX (Adonis Light) crave a dissimilar graphics driver provided by MCT.
For this please download the UV-A8301 USB 2.0 Trigger Family Display Adapter. (Please notation that the MAC driver included in the download file is non compatible with the 1031X or AX).

All other DTU, DTH, and DTK tablets use a standard video connection such as DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, or USB Type-C and do not require a supplementary video graphics commuter.

The DisplayLink and MCT drivers should non commonly be installed together on the same PC considering they are incompatible - in fact they mutually exclude each other at installation time.
It may exist possible to avert conflicts on the very latest releases of Windows 10 where DisplayLink have worked with Microsoft to provide support natively within Windows.

With older releases of Windows installation of both drivers is not possible so in those cases the DTU 1031 and 1031X cannot be used together on the aforementioned computer.

Where are the log files for the DisplayLink driver installation?

The installation log files for the DisplayLink driver are chosen setupapi.xxx.log
(where "xxx" could be for example "offline" or "setup" or "dev" or "upgrade")
and are found in C:\Windows\INF

Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device


  1. Wacom tablet driver has been installed on the PC
  2. The appropriate graphics commuter (MCT or DisplayLink) has been installed
  3. Wacom Tablet Properties displays an error "Your device is not continued to your figurer"
  4. Device Manager reports fault 52: "Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device"
  5. Windows Update KB 3153171 has been installed or is not appropriate for the computer

Likely solution

It is very probable that the estimator does not take the necessary SHA-two commuter signature back up. This was distributed through Windows updates, and the client tin can review their installed updates to see if it'south installed.
SHA-2 driver signatures are required for all new hardware drivers produced after Oct 2014. SHA-2 commuter signatures are native to Windows 8 and Windows 10, but not to Windows 7.
Without the necessary update, Windows 7 will believe that a commuter signed with SHA-ii is invalid, as information technology will not recognize the signature.

More information on this can exist found in Microsoft's Support manufactures for the associated KB updates here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security-updates/securityadvisories/2015/3033929

Troubleshooting tool for impact-screen devices with 3rd-political party digitizers

A number of affect-screen devices such as laptops or tablets which are not equipped with a Wacom digitizer can be configured to capture signatures
by means of a special licence which allows Wacom signature software to handle Microsoft Pen Protocol, likewise known as RTS or Real-Fourth dimension Stylus.

Wacom software nevertheless has difficulty with some bear on-screen devices (such every bit the Surface Pro 7) because they generate multiple virtual monitors or tablets and the software doesn't know which i to connect to for the pen data.

In society to assist in diagnosing such situations please download rtsInfo This is a combined console and window plan for diagnosing RTS problems.

It lists all bachelor virtual tablets and allows each ane to exist tested for pen response.

Information technology should be ideally run from a command prompt just it is possible to run directly by double clicking on it from Explorer.

When run it volition commencement with a console window, displaying a list of all the "tablets" (virtual monitors) installed, and then pop up a grey window.


Equally seen in the image in a higher place, count is 7, indicating that there are vii virtual tablets or monitors.
rtsInfo displays all 7 virtual tablets (index range is 0-6), and so also displays the results of what the system regards every bit the "default tablet".

After that, the programme uses (by default, run into below) the first device that reports "DeviceKind: Pen".

Carefully place your pen/cursor over the grey window – the text window volition show pen data if the selected tablet is responding to the pen.

Ensure you lot have the console window equally the focus window, and then you tin press ESC to quit.

When run from the command line (or Start->Run…) y'all tin provide the alphabetize of which tablet to apply. For example:

                rtsinfo                  iv                              

This will override the automated selection and use the tablet identified past the specific index.

Repeat the above, starting at 0 until the console window displays information when you laissez passer or press on the grey window with your stylus.

Note: beware of accidentally using the mouse in the console window to select text – while text is selected (even if it's a unmarried graphic symbol) this volition forbid the console window from responding and temporarily hang the program.

Wacom Software Download Key Not Valid


Source: http://developer-docs.wacom.com/faqs/docs/q-tablet/tablet-driver

Posted by: rhondaluch1955.blogspot.com

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